Gateworks would like to announcethe release & support of Yocto 1.8 on the Ventana Family of Single Board Computers that feature the Freescale i.MX6 processor. Yocto 1.8 is under the code name Fido. Yocto is a Linux operating system that Gateworks uses for video input and output, networking, GUI, IoT and more. Gateworks recommends all customers and engineers update from Yocto 1.7 to Yocto 1.8.
Yocto 1.8 Updates and Highlights:
- Updated Linux Kernel. The kernel has been updated to the Gateworks downstream 3.14 vendor kernel.
- Updated the gstreamer video framework to gstreamer-imx and gstreamer-1.0
- Updated to the gstreamer-imx community based plugins for utilizing i.MX6 hardwareacceleration to provide increased flexibility over what is provided fromFreescale in gst-fsl-plugins
- Included RTSP server application, gst-variable-rtsp-server
- More gstreamer-imx information is available here
- AVC8000nano Video Capture Mini-PCIe card for up to 8x D1 inputs
- The driver is now loaded by default in Yocto 1.8 and tested with gstreamer-imx
- This is very useful for surveillance and compositing many video sources into one screen
- Find more information here
- Updated uboot-envtools
- Updated gsc-update tool
- Support for the GW16113 IO Expansion module via the gwsoc software tool. More information available here.
To get started, Gateworks has posted Pre-Built images on the Yocto Wiki page. This includes tarballs and ubis for multimedia and gui images. The wiki page also documents building Yocto 1.8 from source.
Please update to Yocto 1.8 and contact Gateworks with any questions. Their support team is happy and available to work with you!